Saturday, December 3, 2011

3x3 OH single solve and 3/5 solve average, 5x5 single solve and 3/5 solve average, 4x4 single solve and 3/5 solve average, 2x2 3/5 solve average

3x3 OH single solve of 29 seconds.
Hand Scramble
Cube: Alpha I

3x3 OH 3/5 solve average of 41.32 seconds.
Individual Times: (1:03.18),  41.34,  43.77,  (35.94),  38.84
Cube: ShengEn FII

5x5 single solve of 2:16
Hand Scamble
Cube: Shengshou 5x5

5x5 3/5 solve average of 2:30.98
Individual Times: 2:29.43,  2:32.08,  2:31.27,  (2:28.28),  (2:33.78)
Cube: Shengshou 5x5

4x4 single solve of 1:07.18
Cube: Maru 4x4

2x2 3/5 solve average of 4.84 seconds.
Individual Times: (8.43),  5.13,  (4.06),  4.58,  4.81
Cube: WitEden Type C